Nestled within the scenic beauty of the Pacific Northwest, Iron Mountain Studios in Post Falls, ID, stands as a testament to the art of metalwork, combining traditional craftsmanship with contemporary...
Iron Mountain Studios is a beacon of creativity and craftsmanship in the heart of Post Falls, ID. As a proud local business, we specialize in custom home decor, crafting pieces...
In the heart of North Idaho, a small business with a big vision, Iron Mountain Studios, has been diligently crafting pieces that resonate with the spirit of America. Our Military...
In the heart of every nature enthusiast, there lies a deep appreciation for the raw beauty and majesty of the wilderness. Iron Mountain Studios, with its impeccable craftsmanship and artistic vision, taps into this passion through its stunning metal wall art pieces. Two of their standout creations, the Elk and Fisherman Metal Wall Art and the Idaho Metal Wall Art, beautifully capture the spirit of the wild and the essence of Idaho’s natural charm.
Meet Us In Person At Costco
We host shows in Costco monthly around the Pacific Northwest. Come say hello when we visit your local Costco.